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30XW-V Variable Speed Water-Cooled Liquid Chiller

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Nominal cooling capacity from 587 to 1.741 kW

Premium solution for commercial and industrial applications where installers, consultants and building owners require maximum quality and optimal performances, especially at part load. Designed to meet current and future requirements in terms of energy efficiency, versatility and compactness.
They feature exclusive inverter-driven screw compressors – an evolution of the proven traditional Carrier twin-rotor screw compressor design. Other features include:
The new Touch Pilot control
Mechanically cleanable flooded heat exchangersRefrigerant R-134aSplit into two versions:
-30XW-V for air conditioning applications
-30XWHV for heating applications
As standard, the unit can provide an evaporator leaving water temperature down to 3.3°C.

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